Corporate Sponsorship
Annual Program Advertising
Area businesses sponsor the cost of producing our Annual Program (4 MB PDF) and contribute to Commonwealth Ballet’s operations through the purchase of advertisements.
Advertising in Commonwealth Ballet’s Annual Program reaches several thousand families in the Boston Metro-West area through our eight Nutcracker and Spring Ballet performances.
Many families keep the Annual Program for months or years to come, providing your company with visibility not offered by traditional publications.
Download an order form with pricing, and ad sizes and technical specs. We can provide help with creating an ad if needed.
Playbill Sponsorship
A special opportunity for sponsorship is available by performance location. Sponsor the playbill with the detailed program and dancer listing at either the Acton or Weston Nutcracker performances or the Weston Spring performance for $500 per venue.
Your company logo and message will appear prominently on the playbills distributed to all in attendance and treasured by performers families for years to come.
To learn more about playbill sponsorship, please contact Administrator@CommonwealthBallet.org.
Matching Gifts
You could double your gift by taking advantage of your company’s matching gift program. Please ask your human resources department if your company participates. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees, board members, and/or spouses/partners.
2015-2016 Season
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
BenevityBright Fund
2014-2015 Season
2012-2013 Season
2011-2012 Season
2010-2011 Season
Millipore Corporation
Verizon Foundation
2009-2010 Season
Millipore Corporation
Verizon Foundation
2008-2009 Season
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Millipore Corporation
Verizon Foundation
Grant Support
Commonwealth Ballet is generously supported by private foundations and by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and its local Cultural Councils.